Hex Areas

A lot of gamers use hex paper for maps, battle schematics, etc. Hexes are usually defined by how far across they are from one flat side to another. This is great for most purposes. Occasionally, however, you want to know the area of a set of hexagons. The formula, unfortunately, is a bit daunting for the non-mathematically inclined. Here's a simple table showing the area of various hex sizes:

Distance across hex Area of hex (rounded)
1 1
2 3
3 8
4 14
5 22
6 31
7 42
8 55
9 70
10 87
15 195
20 346
25 541
30 779
35 1061
40 1386
42 1528
45 1754
50 2165
75 4871
100 8660
125 13532
150 19486
175 26522
200 34641
250 54127
500 216506
1000 866025

The formula, in case you want to insert values that aren't on the table or want exact values, is: (6tan30*Distance^2) / 4.


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